Refereed Journal Publications and Preprints#
“Digital zero-noise extrapolation with quantum circuit unoptimization”
E. Pelofske, V. Russo,
arXiv:2503.06341, (2025).
PDF | arXiv | Software | Blog“Tight bounds for antidistinguishability and circulant sets of pure quantum states”
N. Johnston, V. Russo, J. Sikora,
Quantum 9, 1622, (2025).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Poster | Software“Towards violations of Local Friendliness with quantum computers”
W. Zeng, F. Labib, V. Russo,
arXiv:2409.15302, (2024).
PDF | arXiv | Poster | Software“Optimal discrimination of quantum sequences”
T. Gupta, S. Mushid, V. Russo, S. Bandyopadhyay,
Physical Review A, 110, 062426, (2024).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Poster | Software“Quantum error mitigation by layerwise Richardson extrapolation”
V. Russo, A. Mari,
Physical Review A 110, 062420, (2024).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Video | Software“Distinguishing a maximally entangled basis using LOCC and shared entanglement”
S. Bandyopadhyay, V. Russo,
Physical Review A 110, 042406, (2024).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Software“Increasing the measured effective quantum volume with zero-noise extrapolation”
E. Pelofskie, V. Russo, A. Mari, R. LaRose, D. Strano, A. Bartschi, S. Eidenbenz, W. Zeng.
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, (2024).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Software“Schrödinger as a quantum programmer: Estimating entanglement via steering”
A. Philip, S. Rethinasamy, V. Russo, M. Wilde,
Quantum 8, 1366, (2024).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Software“Arkhipov’s theorem, graph minors, and linear system nonlocal games”
C. Paddock, V. Russo, T. Silverthorne, W. Slofstra,
Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 6 no. 4, pp. 1119-1162., (2023).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Poster | Talk_1 | Talk_2 | Video | Software“Testing platform-independent quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum computers”
V. Russo, A. Mari, N. Shammah, R. LaRose, W. Zeng,
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, Volume 4, (2023).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Poster | Software“Inner products of pure states and their antidistinguishability”
V. Russo, J. Sikora,
Physical Review A, Vol. 107, No. 3, (2023).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Slides | Talk_1 | Talk_2 | Software | Blog“Error mitigation increases the effective quantum volume of quantum computers”
R. LaRose, A. Mari, V. Russo, D. Strano, W. Zeng,
arXiv:2203.05489, (2022).
PDF | Press | arXiv | Software“Entanglement cost of discriminating noisy Bell states by local operations and classical communication”
S. Bandyopadhyay, V. Russo,
Physical Review A, Vol. 104, No. 3, (2021).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Software“toqito—Theory of quantum information toolkit”
V. Russo,
Journal of Open Source Software, 6(61), 3082, (2021).
Link | PDF | Talk | Press | Software“Extended nonlocal games from quantum-classical games”
V. Russo, J. Watrous,
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume: 2018, Article: 4, (2018).
Link | PDF | Slides | arXiv | Software“Quantum hedging in two-round prover-verifier interactions”
S. Arunachalam, A. Molina, V. Russo,
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC), (2017).
Link | PDF | Poster | Slides | arXiv | Software“Extended nonlocal games and monogamy-of-entanglement games”
N. Johnston, R. Mittal, V. Russo, J. Watrous,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume: 472 Issue: 2189, (2016).
Link | PDF | Poster | Slides | arXiv | Software“Limitations on separable measurements from cone programming”
S. Bandyopadhyay, A. Cosentino, N. Johnston, V. Russo, J. Watrous,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 61, Issue 6, (2015).
Link | Poster | PDF | arXiv | Software“Is absolute separability determined by the partial transpose?”
S. Arunachalam, N. Johnston, V. Russo,
Quantum Information & Computation, Volume 15, Issue 7-8, (2015).
Link | PDF | arXiv | Software“An algorithm for the T-count”
D. Gosset, V. Kliuchnikov, M. Mosca, V. Russo,
Quantum Information & Computation, Volume 14, (2014).
Link | PDF | Poster | arXiv | Software“Small sets of locally indistinguishable orthogonal maximally entangled states”
A. Cosentino, V. Russo,
Quantum Information & Computation, Volume 14 Issue 13-14, Pages 1098-1106, (2014).
Link | PDF | Poster | arXiv | Software“GPU-accelerated Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations of Lennard-Jonesium”
J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
Computer Physics Communications, (2013).
Link | PDF | Software“Parallel Monte Carlo simulation for the canonical ensemble on the GPU”
E. Hailat, J. Mick, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, (2012).
Link | PDF | Poster | Software“Beatty sequences, Fibonacci sequences, and the Golden ratio”
V. Russo, L. Schwiebert,
Fibonacci Quarterly, Volume 49, (2011).
Link | PDF | Software
Conference Proceedings#
“Towards Violations of Local Friendliness with Quantum Computers”
W. J. Zeng, F. Labib, V. Russo,
American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, (2025).“Automated Quantum Benchmarking with metriq-gym”
A. Cosentino, V. Russo, N. Shammah, D. Strano, W. J. Zeng,
American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, (2025).“GPU MCMC developments: CBMC nonpolar molecules, verlet lists, and architectural optimizations”
J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), (2012).“Optimization of a Lennard-Jones particle Monte Carlo GPU-code”
J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), (2012).“GPU accelerated configurational bias Monte Carlo simulations of linear alkanes”
J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), (2012).“GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulations in the Gibbs and canonical ensembles”
J. Mick, E. Hailat, V. Russo, K. Rushaidat, L. Schwiebert, J. Potoff,
AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), (2011).
“Quantinuum Nexus prepares to exit beta with comprehensive quantum workflow support”
Quantum Insider, (2024).
Link | PDF“Error mitigation increases the effective quantum volume of quantum computers”
Quantum Insider, (2022).
Link | PDF“Metriq: Platform for tracking quantum computing benchmarks”
Quantum Computing Report, (2022).
Link“Online platform offers access to quantum technology benchmarks”
Quantum Insider, (2022).
Link“toqito: Theory of quantum information toolkit in Python”
Quantum Insider, (2022).
“Testing quantum error mitigation on noisy quantum computers”
V. Russo,
20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL), (2023).
Software“Metriq: Community-driven quantum benchmarks”
V. Russo,
Teratec Quantum Computing Initiative, (2023).
Slides | Software“The antidistinguishability conjecture”
V. Russo, University of Windsor, (2023).
Link | Slides | Software“The antidistinguishability conjecture”
V. Russo,
Wayne State University, (2023).
Slides | Software“Numerical tools for studying extended nonlocal games”
V. Russo,
University of Ottawa, (2021).
Slides | Software“Solving semidefinite programs in Python”
V. Russo,
Louisiana State University, (2021).
Link | Software"|toqito>: Theory of quantum information toolkit"
V. Russo,
New York City Quantum Computing Meetup, (2020).
Link | Slides | Software
“Extended nonlocal games” (Ph.D. Thesis)
V. Russo,
University of Waterloo, (2017).
Link | PDF | Slides | arXiv | Software“Applications of Lindenmayer systems to quantum computation and quantum information” (Masters Thesis)
V. Russo,
Wayne State University, (2011).
Link | PDF