Most of my code is closed-source. The following is a sampling of open-source projects that I either created or am a primary contributor to.
An open-source Python library for studying various objects in quantum information, namely, states, channels, and measurements.
GitHub | Docs | Video | QuantumInsider | KaiCode24 | NumFOCUS | GSoC | Blogmetriq
Co-developed web platform for tracking quantum computing benchmarks.
GitHub | PRNewswire | QC-Report | QuantumInsidermetriq-gym
Python package for running a suite of quantum computing benchmarks on a variety of quantum hardware devices. Co-developed with other members at the UnitaryFund.
GitHub | APSscirate
A Python wrapper for extracting quantum information paper data from Scirate. GitHubqustop
An open-source Python module for investigating various problems in quantum state optimization.
GitHub | DocsGOMC
An open-source Monte Carlo simulation engine written in C++ using the CUDA wrapper. I worked on an early version of this software during my Master’s. GitHub | Websitetriforce
A Python package to study the numerical properties of triangular arrays.
GitHub | Blogyoutube_tutorials
Companion code for the programming tutorials on my LucidProgramming channel.
GitHub | YouTube